The fact that the domestic car of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, GÜNSEL, came into the showcase of the global automotive market at MUSIAD EXPO 2020, had wide coverage in the world press. In the media of many countries including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Bolivia, Qatar, Mexico and Azerbaijan, GÜNSEL was described as the “Automobile of the Turkic World” and received great praise.
TRNC’s domestic and national automobile GÜNSEL also made its world launch by participating in the MUSIAD EXPO 2020 International Trade Fair held in Istanbul, hosted by the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) on November 18-21, 2020. Attracting all the attention, GÜNSEL made a voice in many countries’ press. GÜNSEL, which has been reported many times especially in the press of Latin America and the Middle East, also received great praise in the media of many other countries, including Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Bolivia, Qatar, Mexico and Azerbaijan, being described as the “Automobile of the Turkic World”.
Azerbaijan Press: “The Tesla of the Mediterranean is counting days to hit the road …”
Channel 8, broadcasting in Azerbaijan, used the headline “Tesla of the Mediterranean is counting days to hit the road” while referring to GÜNSEL in the news. In the news, which pointed out that GÜNSEL was brought into life by Near East University in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, GÜNSEL was described as “one of the most interesting and strategic steps for the Republic”. It was stated in the news that GÜNSEL B9 aroused great interest in terms of engineering and design, and it was stated that GÜNSEL is expected to be exported to neighboring countries and Turkic countries. In addition to Channel 8, GÜNSEL was featured in newspapers and websites, especially Gulistan, in Azerbaijan.
Russian Press: “GÜNSEL, with which we have had the experience, reaches 100 kilometers from 0 in a short time like 8 seconds.”
Sputnik, the Russian Federal News Agency, also prepared large news about Günsel. Emphasizing that GÜNSEL reached from 0 to 100 kilometers in a short time such as 8 seconds, Sputnik also praised the design of the vehicle. Using the expression “GÜNSEL’s exterior design is designed in a way that will not go out of fashion”, Sputnik pointed out that “GÜNSEL, which has a digital dial, has innovative elements in its interior design”.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Press: “GÜNSEL is one of the most ecological steps in the Mediterranean region.”
Klix.ba, one of the important news and content portals of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also reserved an important place for GÜNSEL. Emphasizing the environmental and ecological aspects of GÜNSEL, Klix said, “GÜNSEL, which stands out with its environment-oriented automotive engineering, design and software, was completely developed by Turkish Cypriots. Businessmen from all over the world are interested in GÜNSEL and had the opportunity to contact the producers directly in Istanbul”. Klix defined GÜNSEL as “one of the most ecological steps in the Mediterranean region”.
Colombian Press: “Entrepreneurs from all over the world, including South Americans who are interested in the GÜNSEL project, examined the vehicle at the Istanbul fair.”
La Economia, one of the important publications of Colombia, emphasized the environmentalist side of GÜNSEL and emphasized that many entrepreneurs from around the world, especially South American countries, are keeping an eye on GÜNSEL. “GUNSEL B9, has attracted great interest in Turkey with its engineering and environmental design. For this reason, entrepreneurs from all over the world, including South Americans who are interested in the GÜNSEL project, examined the vehicle at the fair in Istanbul.” La Economia said, “The producers of the revolutionary technology will export GÜNSEL primarily to the countries of the region and in future, this strategy aims to achieve permanent growth in dynamic markets such as Africa”.
El Articulo, also broadcasting in Santa Marta and Magdalena in Colombia, emphasized that GÜNSEL can travel 350 kilometers with a single charge and can reach 100 kilometers in 8 seconds and said, “The design and software of GÜNSEL, which stands out with a completely environmentally sensitive automobile engineering, were completely developed by Turks.”
Bolivian Press. “New technology electric cars will be more useful than fossil fuel vehicles with their quiet and environmentally friendly features.”
GÜNSEL, which is also on the agenda in Bolivia, came to the fore in ATB Media with its environmentalist side. Emphasizing that Turkish automobile manufacturers keep up with the change in the automotive sector, ATB Media stated; “New technology electric cars will be more useful than fossil fuel vehicles with their silent and environmentally friendly features”. The media in Bolivia emphasized the work of Turkish engineers in the use of alternative and safe energy sources by using the digital technology of the new age in the automotive sector.
Mexican Press: “GÜNSEL B9, the development and promotion of the electric car is a strategic step of the Turkish Cypriots in terms of electric cars.”
GUNSEL, which was reported in the Mexican press in the economy newspaper Fortuna, was defined as one of the strategic steps of the Turks in electric cars. Emphasizing that GUNSEL B9 can travel up to 350 kilometers with a single charge and can accelerate up to 100 kilometers in eight seconds, Fortuna made the assessment that “GÜNSEL is expected to be exported primarily to the countries of the region and to the Turkic states”.
Qatar Press: “GÜNSEL attracted great attention from businessmen from all over the world.”
The fact that GÜNSEL appeared in the world showcase in Istanbul was also reported on the Lite21 website broadcasting in Qatar. In the news, which emphasized the environmentalist features of GÜNSEL, it was emphasized that the vehicle to be mass-produced in 2021 was met with great interest, especially in the surrounding countries. Lite21 also said that “GÜNSEL has attracted great attention from businessmen from all over the world”.